ASTIDEY is a company created for the sole purpose of developing a wind farm project that comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of such power generation plant.

ASTIDEY was awarded after the call for direct procurement K43037 entitled Contratos Especiales de Compraventa de Energía Eléctrica en el Marco del Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo No. 424/011 (special contracts for power purchase within the government’s decree nr. 424/011), which is an extension of the previous call K41938. In accordance with this ASTIDEY entered into an agreement with UTE for the sale of the generated power for a period of 20 years after the wind farm acceptance.

The wind farm, named Talas del Maciel I, will be located in the rural zone of the department of Flores, in the center-east zone of the department, 18km southeast away from Trinidad city. The farm will occupy the rural plots 480, 481, 1995 and 4792, all of them belonging to the 6th Cadastral Section.

The installed power in the farm will be 50MW, obtained with 25 three bladed upwind rotor type wind turbine generators, each one with a nominal power of 2MW.